Supported Language: Japanese, English exVOICE
Supported Engine: UTAU and Open Utau
Recommended Range: f3 - c5
Recommended Tempo: 90 - 200 bpm
Vocal Age: Child
Vocal Gender: Male

Mero Takeka is a red panda themed vocal for the synth engine UTAU and Open Utau. Mero sings in the voice sweet young child, with several voice acted "exVOICE" samples included.
Character Profile

Mero is the mischievous little brother of Ramu Toumitsu. He is an avid trouble maker and trickster who dislikes being caught or scolded so he tries to avoid conflict of any kind. Due to this he is very good a making escapes. Mero is energetic, naïve, and very spoiled. Even though Mero is the younger brother he often he pushes Ramu around and is always able to convince him into getting what he wants
Age: 10
Release Date: 07/19/2016
Species: Red Panda
Gender: Male
Height: 115cm ( 3'7ft )
Weight: 122 kg ( 268 lbs )
Character Item: red wine
Personality: energetic, naïve, and immature
Likes: tricks, sweets, red morning glories, playing with his brother
Dislikes: being told no
Name and Meanings:
Mero Takeka / 竹歌メロ (たけかめろ)
竹; bamboo 歌; song/sing | "bamboo song"
メロ; "Mero" is short for "Merlot", a type of sweet red wine
Voice Libraries
recanter - CVVC
exVOICE - lite
recanter - CVVC | Coming Soon |
Vocal Type: a sweet child vocal
Pitches: d#4
Resamplers: TIPS EFB_GT Fresamp
[mild] ▢▢✖▢▢ [strong]
[soft] ▢✖▢▢▢ [sharp]
[young] ✖▢▢▢▢ [mature]